Dealing with Dementia

Dementia is a well-known condition and is common in the elderly. However, dementia is a category, understanding the type of dementia is important with regards to treatment. If being referred to my psychiatry services for dementia treatment, I will require head imaging to be performed to help aid the diagnosis ( It is normally not diagnostic) and also a formal assessment of memory at the least.

With my considerable experience working with dementia patients and offering psychiatry services to those impacted by this condition, I am able to tailor medications to ensure that both the patient and the family gain some stability.

The Impact Of Dementia For Patients & Families

For patients with dementia their symptoms unfortunately can be progressive in terms of memory loss. However it is important to ensure that other parts of their symptoms don’t become problematic such as good sleep and that infections are treated early. I am well aware of the difficulties that behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia can cause for clients and family. It is important for some client’s and family to ensure a plan is in place at times to try and prevent what can be a chaotic and stressful situation.

Frontal dementia/Lewy body dementia/Parkinson’s Dementia can be underdiagnosed and therefore not formally treated. This can be a complex situation which requires multiple medications although the benefits can be stabilising.

Anxiety within these conditions is also often under-treated unfortunately. Treatments are normally beneficial for this as well as any behavioural changes that can be made at home.

Psychiatry Support For You & Your Family

Throughout my career I have managed to maintain clients at home for longer periods and I have also stepped a couple of clients down from expensive care homes as clients are unfortunately left with treatable symptomatology. With an initial assessment and tailored treatment plan, together we can work to deal better with some of the behavioural difficulties of dementia.

With an initial assessment and diagnosis, using the patient’s history and medical information, I can identify the type of dementia and also any other underlying mental health conditions. Allowing me to tailor a treatment plan and medications that are specific to the patient’s needs. If your family member is affected by dementia symptoms and you would like more information about how my psychiatry services can support you and your loved one, do not hesitate to get in touch.

Patient Reviews
