Bereavement Psychiatrist

As a psychiatrist with years of industry experience, I have dealt with a wide range of concerns for my patients. One of these being dealing with bereavement and grief. As a specialist, I have experience working within this area and can inform you of the support and treatment options available to help you deal with your grief. It is likely that you will be followed up by a psychologist who can provide more considerable sessions and therefore history may be more limited for an initial assessment.

Abnormal Bereavement Reaction

After someone you love dies, feelings of grief are to be expected. However, for the majority of people, dealing with this grief will become manageable and eventually, with time, these feelings of sadness, loss, and numbness will diminish. Unfortunately, there are some people who will find grief overbearing and may experience these emotions for prolonged periods of time. This sense of grief is often referred to as complicated grief or prolonged grief.

Having this abnormal bereavement reaction can have detrimental effects on your life. It is something that I have reviewed over the years across a number of different patients. Being left with this condition after losing a loved one should not be considered the norm, and should be addressed. It is easy to consider that it is normal to cry yourself to sleep each and every night due to losing someone. However there comes a time when it is important to move on as otherwise this behaviour becomes pathological and a detriment to your life. Working with people to ensure that they become happier again is an important part of my work as a psychiatrist.

What Is A Bereavement Psychiatrist?

As a bereavement psychiatrist I can offer you some support and guidance you may need to overcome these overwhelming and life-impacting feelings of grief. With an initial assessment we can discuss how you are feeling, what impact this has on your life and what your desired goals are by accessing treatment.
As a qualified specialist I am able to identify the main concerns and direct you towards a choice between various options for treatment. Unlike a counsellor, as a psychiatrist, I am able to prescribe medication for you. If this is something you would be interested in trying, to support your mental wellbeing. However I am also able to direct you towards grief counselling services and therapy that will also offer a way for you to overcome your abnormal grief response.

Grief and Bereavement Psychiatry Assessment

A normal initial assessment consists of a 60-90 minute discussion. Thanks to my experience handling initial assessments and a variety of patient concerns, throughout your assessment I will ensure that you are at ease whilst discussing personal issues in relation to your history.

Throughout this process I put emphasis on listening to you as best as possible to understand your individual circumstances and to discuss the next steps, including treatment options that I would consider to be best for you. Once we have completed your initial assessment you will have time to consider your options and to make your own decision based on the information and advice I have provided you.

Patient Reviews
