Alcohol, Drugs & Gambling Addictions Psychiatry

With my experience as a psychiatrist I have an understanding of a range of addictive conditions and also realise that it can take a considerable length of time to work through the daily struggle of addiction. With an initial assessment we can work together to agree on a treatment path and solution that will work for you.

Drug & Alcohol Addictions

A substance use disorder can include the use of both illegal and legal drugs, as well as alcohol, affecting a person’s brain and their behaviour. While drug and alcohol addictions are often stereotyped by the general public, they are much more complex and varied than people may think.

Throughout my professional career I have worked with a wide range of patients with drug and alcohol addictions. My patients vary tremendously in their wellbeing, lifestyles, and the types of drugs they use, however with an initial assessment I am able to identify a number of different treatment options to help you get your life back on track and treat your substance use disorder.

For particular types of drugs, there are medicines that can be prescribed in order to substitute drug use. Treatments such as opioid substitution treatment, will allow you to continue with other treatments such as therapy and detoxification without having to deal with withdrawal symptoms. These drugs are most commonly prescribed by NHS doctors, as a private psychiatrist I can write private prescriptions or make a referral to your GP for this medication to be prescribed via the NHS, if you wish.

Gambling Addictions

Addiction to gambling is often overlooked and not taken as seriously as other addictions. However, it can have a significant impact on an individual’s mental health, relationships, and financial stability. As with drug and alcohol addiction, gambling addiction also affects the brain’s reward system and can lead to impulsive behaviours.

As a psychiatrist, I have seen the devastating effects of gambling on a variety of patients from all walks of life. However, with time and tailored treatment methods, together with the desire for change, my patients and their families have seen the life-changing benefits addiction psychiatry can have on treating gambling addiction.

Treatment for gambling addictions may include cognitive-behavioural therapy, which helps individuals identify and change their problematic thought patterns and behaviours related to gambling. Medications may also be prescribed to address underlying mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. Alongside therapy and medication, support groups can also provide a helpful community for those struggling with gambling addiction.

A Psychiatric Assessment Of Addictions

The varied approach that psychiatry takes to dealing with addictions means I can provide a range of treatment options and management solutions to help you treat and overcome your addiction in a way that is tailored to your individual needs.

An initial assessment can last around 60-90 minutes, where I will listen to you, making sure to understand your individual circumstances and to better understand your addiction. With this information I will provide you with the information needed for you to make a decision for your next steps. I can advise you on the right types of medicine and treatment plans, as well as provide more details about therapy and offer solutions for finding ways for managing your addiction in everyday life.

In addition, with my specialist training and experience I can carefully ensure that other psychiatric conditions are not missed and treated. Occasionally certain medications can also cause this and unfortunately this aspect at times is overlooked. Further to this there are treatment options that can be considered although these are not normally given on the NHS.

Patient Reviews
