Bipolar Psychiatrist

With my many years of experience as a psychiatrist I understand the complexities of bipolar and the problems that this condition can cause people. With potentially tragic consequences in relation to the suicidal nature that can be prevalent in family’s. Whilst the manic presentations can cause detrimental financial and relationship losses. I understand that patients at times may enjoy being on the manic side and that there needs to be a compromise to ensure that the client can be happy with the effects of treatment. I work closely with patients who have bipolar to ensure that a treatment is not only effective at treating and managing the condition but is beneficial for the patient.

Bipolar Conditions

A mental health condition that is at times difficult to diagnose, bipolar is a condition that affects a person’s mood. It can cause extreme mood swings, from manic to severe depression, and its severity can differ between individuals. However, despite the severity, it is a condition that will have a direct impact on one’s personal and professional life. Potentially contributing to challenges in work, study and maintaining relationships.

Those with a diagnosis of bipolar will experience different episodes of emotional ups and downs which are far beyond what many people will experience in their lives. From feelings of intense depression to extreme feelings of happiness, elation and overactivity, people with bipolar can be at risk of harm to themselves, which is why proper management and treatment is so important.

Psychiatry For Bipolar Conditions

As a psychiatrist, I have seen the impact of bipolar on individuals and their loved ones. That’s why it is crucial to provide proper psychiatric care for those with this condition. It involves understanding the unique needs and challenges that come with bipolar, including navigating the complexities of managing both manic and depressive episodes.

In my practice, I utilise evidence-based treatments to help manage bipolar conditions in my patients. from medication plans to therapy referrals, I work closely with my patients to find the right treatment options for their individual needs. This may include a combination of medication and psychotherapy to effectively manage symptoms and improve overall quality of life.

An Initial Assessment & Diagnosis

With an initial assessment I will sit and listen to your experiences, understanding your history with mental health conditions and identifying triggers and challenges in your life. By taking a holistic approach, I take the time to understand you, and your specific symptoms and needs, in order to provide a complete diagnosis and to tailor a treatment plan that will benefit you.
An initial assessment with myself will usually last around 60 minutes. Following this, we can arrange regular medication reviews and meetings to continuously ensure that your treatment plan is working. If acutely unwell and at risk then you should seek NHS help and support.

Patient Reviews
